Problem Statement
Given a non-negative integer x, return the square root of x rounded down to the nearest integer. The returned integer should be non-negative as well.
You must not use any built-in exponent function or operator.
For example, do not use pow(x, 0.5) in c++ or x ** 0.5 in python.
Example 1:
Input: x = 4
Output: 2
Explanation: The square root of 4 is 2, so we return 2.
Example 2:
Input: x = 8
Output: 2
Explanation: The square root of 8 is 2.82842..., and since we round it down to the nearest integer, 2 is returned.
- 0 <= x <= 231 - 1
Python3 Code
class Solution(object):
def mySqrt(self, x):
:type x: int
:rtype: int
return int(x**(0.5))